Configuration files

Reference | Configuration

Granitic applications require one or more configuration files to be made available when the application starts. Those files may be present on an accessible filesystem or via an HTTP/HTTPS URL.

Specifying the files to use

By default, Granitic applications expect to find configuration in folder in the current working directory called config. In most environments it is more common to want to specify the files to use explicitly. This is achieved by using the -c command line argument to pass a comma separated list of:

  • Relative or absolute paths to JSON files on a filesystem
  • Relative or absolute paths to a filesystem folder containing one or more JSON files
  • Absolute HTTP or HTTPS URLs (including scheme) that return JSON in the response body

The order in which these configuration sources are specified are significant to configuration merging.


Go’s support for symlinks is inconsistent. It is strongly recommended you do not use them when providing paths to files and folders.

Folder recursion

When given a folder that may contain JSON files, Granitic performs depth first recursion into any sub folders. Files and folders are processed in lexicographical order so given the -c argument:

-c conf-dir

And the folder structure:


Granitic will load configuration files in this order:


Name and encoding

JSON configuration files must end with the case-sensitive extension .json and be UTF-8 encoded.

Config from remote URLs

The requirements for retrieving configuration over HTTP are explained in the remote confguration section of the documentation.

File contents

Any file that is a valid RFC-7159 JSON file and is parseable by Go’s native JSON parser is a valid configuration file.

There are no restrictions on file size, formatting or the naming of fields. There is a weak convention that user configuration files use camel case for field names to distinguish them from the Pascal case used in Granitic’s built-in configuration, but this is entirely optional.

Next: Configuration type handling

Prev: Configuration principles